How I am or How Work Is- Yucki & Sweetapple

First things first.

Yuckmeister, where is that sample from in the beginning? I’ve listened to that part like 10 times already. I love the drop right into the beat. I’m assuming Sweetapple’s voice is the prominent one on the track.

The reason I assume is it’s a little different.

It’s got a different approach than the last Sweetapple track I reviewed. And that’s not me saying it’s bad, at all. I am thoroughly impressed by the versatility. This is a hard track. The instrumentation is very dope and super gnarly. I love the punk-ish delivery.

“We’ve been fighting more days than we haven’t this year”

This line really helped me stay engaged, personally, because it resonates very well with me. Sometimes it’s hard to recognize when things are getting detrimental in our relationships. And, even though we want to be around that person and we love them; we know that it may be better to not be together. It’s a hard lesson that most of us learn. In the second verse I think the vocal effects really help keep diversity from the first part. I’d like to hear a little more vocals and less effects, but that’s definitely a preference. Because I can FEEL them in the music, and that’s what really counts.

If I heard this live, I’m punching someone.

My little phone speakers don’t do justice to the instruments and how they would rock my body live. It’s like a mixture of electronic and rock, but, they met each other on separate tinder dates and found each other by recognizing each others boredom from across the bar. Then they went up to each other, and started moshing. Then, as everyone knows, moshing leads to intercourse.

And then, this child was born.




Out Of Time- HeartlessArik, FLOWERBOY


Medicine- Sweetapple produced by Slatterhouse