Just three Wyoming boys with a dream.

Peter, Ryan, & Dain have been friends since they were students at Upton Elementary School in Upton, WY.

While their lives would take them on different paths over the next 20 or so years, fate would bring them back together to form a new company. Peter and Dain would go on to get heavily involved in the oil field, and Ryan would go on to college in pursuit of degrees in Education. It wasn’t until one crisp summer morning that the universe would intervene and would begin to align itself to make room for PRD Entertainment.

In The Blink Of An Eye.

Roughly around 6:00 am on June 3rd, 2019, Dain and 3 other co-workers rolled their vehicle nearly 3 times. While the other 3 involved in the crash were seemingly unscathed, Dain completely ruptured his T1 vertebrate, as well as mangled his C6 and C7. After being told he would never walk again, Dain was given the option to have a surgery that would make life easier on him, but he would have to sacrifice his vocal chords in the process.

“I don’t care what you do, but you’re not touching my singing voice, doc.”

These were the words that Dain told the Doctor that are at the core of our values here at PRD. Being a creative person himself, Dain never wanted to sacrifice that creative outlet of singing that he had cherished since he was young. Needless to say, he kept his baritone singing voice.

Shortly after the accident, Dain had started thinking about starting an entertainment/performing arts company. He began talking to Ryan and Peter about forming some sort of unique business, which would come to fruition in December of 2022.

Peter, Ryan, and Dain have come together to create PRD to help creatives, artists, musicians, comedians, & more get heard, seen, and shared through unique show, party, and event opportunities. By doing so, we hope to bring lively events to the consumer while providing a platform for the independent artist. We believe that no person should give up their pursuit of the things that make them genuinely happy. That being said…

It’s #PRDtime.